We just spent the whole weekend attending wedding expos. We went to the Weddings and Beyond expo at the NBC Tent last Saturday and the Island Exhibits wedding expo at SM Megamall yesterday (Sunday).
As it was my first time to visit such events, I really didn't know what to expect. I didn't even know that there was free lunch care of the caterers if you cared enough to listen to their sales pitch. Unfortunately, Yeng and I only found out after eating lunch at Gourdo's, where we ordered three (3) whole pizzas. Their pizza was great, though it gets to you after the 3rd day of eating it.
Going back to the wedding fair, the event at the NBC was packed. They had everything from invites to aircon rentals. There was even this exhibitor that specialized in preserving gowns! I thought you just had to put it inside a box with moth balls then stick it inside your cabinet. Then add a little bit more of moth balls. Hehehe.
One thing I realized was the reason why some photography and videography studios can offer (relatively) cheap packages is because they have multiple teams that can cover multiple weddings at the same day. So you're not really sure who and what you'll get during your wedding day, though I'm pretty sure that all their photographers are trained sufficiently and experienced. The difference though in getting the Lito Sys, Pat Dys, Pilar Tuasons, etc. of the industry, is that with these guys you know who you're getting and what skills they bring to the table. Of course they come with a higher price tag.
The Sunday event at Megamall was smaller. Most of the photog and videog vendors at the Fort were also at Megamall. We got a couple of vouchers from some of the hair and make up exhibitors as well as some from event stylists. Yeng actually had a free trial make up done which i found to be so-so. I think the make up put on her nose was quite over the top. She thinks so too.
At the end of two days, we didn't book any supplier but at least we had a ball park estimate of how much each supplier would cost. We also found some invitation ideas that we might try DIY. Anyway were thinking of having a relatively small wedding so we might be able to do it.
There will be two (2) more wedding expos on February, and hopefully by then we should have already booked a couple of suppliers and if not, at the least we should know which ones are worth booking and which ones are just good enough to get a free lunch from.