Thursday, March 11, 2010

Honeymoon Planning Part 1

Probably one of the most difficult choices to make in preparing for a wedding is the choice of where to spend the honeymoon.

Yeng and myself are relatively traveled. We've been to a couple of destinations within the Philippines and outside as well. For those who follow Yeng in facebook, she just loaded a couple of hundred photos from our recent US trip. In addition to these trips, I have also done a bit of travelling alone, usually after business trips.

Probably one of the criteria for choosing our honeymoon destination is someplace we've never been to before. As there are thousands, this doesn't really eliminate a lot. But at least its a starting point.

As I've never posted any of the pictures of our/my travels. I'll post a couple of pics in this series of "Honeymoon Planning" just to give a flavor of where we have been to already.

For this post, let me share with you some pictures from Barcelona, Spain that I visited back in 2008.

Sagrada Familia
Sagrada Familia Sagrada Familia
Parc Guell
Parc Guell - Main Terrace Parc Guell - Draco
People of Barcelona
Studying Catalunya Barceloneta Beach
Gaudi Houses
Batllo House

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