Thursday, April 1, 2010

Friends Getting Married Soon

I just read from Allan and Socs blog that they made huge changes to their plans. Changing venue and coordinators (full time?) is quite huge considering their wedding is 6 months away. Anyway, if there's a couple who can pull it off, I think it's Allan and Socs. They have this out-of-the-box mentality, which I think makes a late change very possible and doable. Can't wait to attend their wedding!

Another couple friend of our tying the knot this year is Nobs and Tots. They got engaged a few days before us, two (2) to be exact, but they are getting married four (4) months ahead of us. Looking forward to their beach wedding in Bohol.

Here are their blogs:
Allan and Socs
Nobs and Tots

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